Storing Root Vegetables in an Apartment For Best Results

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The best place to store root vegetables in a house is the basement or an unheated room like a garage. If you live in an apartment, though, these options might not be available to you. So knowing how to store potatoes and onions in a small apartment is key to keeping them fresh.


How to store root vegetables in an apartment

The most important thing to know is that most root vegetables need to be stored away from each other. Potatoes and onions, for example, produce ethylene gas.

This gas can make other vegetables spoil faster, so it’s best to keep them in separate storage areas.

So no matter how well you control your temperature and humidity, or how perfect and ideal the location is, Haveing these vegetables together will cause them to rot.

The ideal storage temperature for root vegetables is between 30 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit with high humidity (95%). If your apartment is on the warmer side, you might consider storing them in the fridge.

Otherwise, The best container to keep them in is a wicker basket or a mesh bag. This will allow for air circulation and prevent the vegetables from rotting.

Light also causes vegetables to spoil, so it’s important to store them in a dark place. This might be the second most important rule for storing carrots, potatoes, and onions.


Potential spaces to store them in in an apartment

Apartments tend not to have much space that can meet the requirements, but some potential spaces include:

  • In the back of a closet
  • In a sealed and vented space in your pantry
  • In the fridge
  • Using a growing tent (great for keeping humidity high!)
  • Hanging in the kitchen from a burlap sack

With the exception of a growing tent, these all provide only a few of the necessary requirements. This means you won’t be able to maximize the length of time your root vegetables will last.

To help improve these spaces, You could consider adding more ventilation such as a fan, as well as a cool mist humidifier. Don’t use traditional humidifiers as they will heat up a small space very quickly.


Alternative ways of keeping root vegetable longer when in an apartment

Let’s face it, Apartments just aren’t ideal locations for storing root vegetables. If you have the option, it’s worth considering some alternatives:

  • Bottling and Preserving
  • Dehydration
  • Pickling

Each of these has its own set of requirements, but they will allow you to store your root vegetables for much longer periods of time without worrying about humidity and temperatures, only requiring some shelf space.

Potatoes are a great example of a root vegetable that can be bottled but still used in almost the same way as a fresh potato would be in any recipe.

It also saves on the time needed to prep the vegetables as they have already been peeled, and cut into smaller chunks or slices.

Root vegetables are a staple of many diets around the world, but they can be tricky to store in an apartment. By following these tips, you can make sure your root vegetables stay fresh and last longer.

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